Could you stop goofing off? (怠けるのをやめてくれませんか?)
I'll pitch in for the birthday gift. (誕生日プレゼント代は私も出すよ)
He worked hard all week to bring home the bacon for his family. (家族の生計を支えるために彼は今週必死で働きました)
We will wind up in the jail if we drink and drive. (飲酒運転をしたら牢屋に入ることになるよ)
I was in my seventh heaven when I heard about my promotion. (昇給の事を聞いた時はとても幸せな気持ちだったよ)
My parents didn't want me to be a comedian, but I stuck to my guns. (両親は芸人になる事に反対をしたけど、自分の意思を曲げなかったよ)
I am planning to take over my father's business in a few years. (数年後に父の事業を継ぐ予定です)
That test was a breeze! (あのテストは簡単だったね!)
I will swing by your house later. (後で家に寄って行くよ)
You'll miss the boat if you don't buy these shares now. (今のうちにこの株を買っておかないと、儲ける機会を失うよ!)